+603 2603 7700



The Takaful mySME plan offers your organization more than just comprehensive protection but peace of mind whilst you focus to grow your business.

Features & Benefits

  • Comprehensive takaful plans for business needs.
  • High sum covered of up to RM50 million for Fire coverage including Terrorism cover (Limit : Subject to approval by panel)
  • Enhanced protection that includes All Risks, Money, Personal Accidents, Public Liability, Goods In transit, and other optional covers.
  • Flexibility to select different sum covered to cater to your business needs.
  • Contribution discount of up to 30% (Subject to Terms and Conditions).

Product Covers

Type of Coverage Scope of Cover Sum Coverage
Section (A)-Compulsory Section (B)-Optional Coverage:
Fire Loss or damage to the property covered caused by Fire, Lightning, Domestic explosion or Terrorism Up to RM 50,000,000 X
Fire Consequential Loss Covers loss of gross profit due to interruption at your business premises by perils covered under Fire. X Up to RM 2,000,000
All Risks Covers loss or damage on all machinery at premise due to fire, theft and accidental damage. X Up to RM 2,000,000
Burglary Covers loss or damage due to theft X Up to RM 2,000,000
Electronic Equipment Covers loss or damage on all equipment at premise due to fire, theft and accidental damage. X Up to RM 2,000,000
Employer's Liability Covers your legal liability to employees for occupational bodily injury X Up to RM 1,000,000
Equipment All Risks Covers direct financial loss due to an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by any of your employees X Up to RM 2,000,000(On All Mobile Equipment Used “Off Public Road”)
Fidelity Guarantee Covers direct financial loss due to an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by any employees X Up to RM 500,000(On all employee)
Machinery Breakdown Covers any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to machinery at premises X Up to RM 2,000,000
Money Covers loss of money whilst in transit or in the premise by any cause X Up to RM 500,000 (Money in Transit & Money in Premises)
Plate Glass Covers loss due to breakage or damage to the installed plate glass at your premise. X Up to RM 2,000,000
Public Liability Covers your legal liability to third parties in respect of accidental bodily injury or property damage X Max Limit Indenminity RM 1,000,000

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How much contribution do I have to pay?

    The total annual contribution that you have to pay depends on the benefits coverage and sum covered that you have selected.

  2. What if there are changes to my contact / personal details?

    You may notify us via email if there is any changes in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences reach you in a timely manner.

  3. Can I cancel my certificate?

    Yes, you may cancel your certificate by giving written notice to us.

  4. What about the contribution refund? (Cancellation)

    Upon cancellation, you are entitled to a pro-rata refund of the contribution paid provided no claim has been made during the current period of takaful.

"Connect with us for more details"

Any further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Centre at 03-2603 7700